Photo Editing Services

Amazing editing can be done from quality photos.  Photo CD's done at the time of processing are the best for producing quality prints.  While scanned photos will work and they can be edited extensively, quality is best from CD.  I can edit portrait photos that I have taken and I would be happy to work on your personal photos.  I cannot work on copyrighted materials.  I charge a base rate of $10.00/hour for editing work (1 hour minimum) and an additional $5.00 for burning an edited CD.  You will see from the photos below that a LOT can be done to improve a photo or minimize things you don't want seen.  More examples are posted in my Yahoo Gallery in the "Editing" Album.  I will be happy to answer any questions you may have.  Edited CD's can be used in Kodak machines found in connection with many department store photo departments or they can be used for printing on your home computer system.  See my Yahoo Gallery for more work.

Robin Van Zeeland

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